Honestly, I wasn’t really sure what to expect with this week’s recipe. I mean, the title sounds great – ‘Brownie Buttons’ – pretty cute, right? But I’m super-duper picky when it comes to brownies and I wasn’t sure how I’d feel about mini-mini brownies. A lot of members had said this recipe didn’t quite do it for them, or that they stuck, or the glaze wasn’t good…I didn’t have very high hopes.

But, as it turned out, these were really, really good! I don’t know about everyone else’s, but mine had sort of a chewy, almost crunchy outside, with a really soft, fudgy inside….I wan’t expecting that! I loved the texture of these! Instead of the white chocolate glaze (I can’t stand white chocolate), I used a little dusting of powdered sugar, which really went well with the bitterness of the chocolate. These were just all around good- fun to make, fun to eat and super cute to boot!

Thanks to Jayma of Two Scientists Experimenting in the Kitchen for picking this week’s recipe – check out her blog and get the recipe. These would be so fun for kids or to take to work – easy and fun to eat! I’ll definitely be keeping this recipe close by!

I didn’t get a chance to make this in time for last week’s TWD, but I sure wasn’t going to let this recipe pass me by! I knew as soon as I got the chance, I needed to make this cake. Luckily, my friend Courtney was coming to visit last week, which gave me a great excuse to bake it. Honestly, I wasn’t expecting much more than a regular old banana bread out of this cake – and it was, actually, very similar to banana bread…but SO much better! This will be my go-to recipe for banana bread now (I thought it was closer to a bread than a cake). Courtney, hubby and I all loved it. It was so good, I’m making it again for my mother, who is coming to house sit and dog sit for us while we’re out of town this week. I know she’ll love it with her coffee!

This cake was chosen (last week) by Mary of The Food Librarian. She has a great blog – be sure to check it out and get the recipe for this! You won’t be sorry! Come back tomorrow for my (regularly scheduled and on time!) TWD post – Brownie Buttons. So cute!!

It seems like I’ve been making so much ice cream lately, I’ve got it coming out of my ears! Not that I mind, really…what better time than Summertime to have fun making all kinds of delicious homemade ice creams?! This time around it’s Dorie’s plain Vanilla – thick, smooth and creamy. I’ve been saving it for my mother and sister’s visit this week (it’s my sister’s birthday today!! Happy Birthday, big sister!!), so hopefully we can all dig in tonight after cake! I did manage to sneak a taste while I was taking pictures, and wowee – this is some tasty ice cream!! And believe me, it’s anything but plain! I put in a tiny little splash of Grand Marnier, and I think that really gave it a nice, rich flavor to compliment the vanilla. I think my mom and sister will really enjoy this!!

This weeks’ choice is brought to you by Lynne of Cafe LynnyLu – go check out her fantastic looking recipes and photos; while you’re at it, be sure and get the recipe for this delicious ice cream!
And, as I said a few days back, get ready for some new and exciting things here at Sing For Your Supper! Hopefully it will all come together soon!! Yipppee!!

This was by far, one of the stranger recipes I’ve made so far with TWD. A Raspberry Blanc-Manger, chosen by Susan of Sticky, Gooey, Creamy, Chewy (who is a fellow musician, by the way! Woot, woot!). You’re probably wondering what the heck a blanc-manger is…I know I sure was! Basically, it’s sort of a creamy jell-o, if you will….Panna Cotta meets flan…sort of. Honestly, it was just weird to me. Ground almonds, milk, whipped cream, gelatin and fresh raspberries get mixed together and chilled for a few hours, then topped with rasperry coulis. Sounds good, right?

I was very tempted to just skip this week, as I wasn’t really in the mood for anything that sounded all French and snooty-like, but I’ve been a little neglectful of my TWD duties lately, so I decided to give it a go. This probably shouldn’t have been as complicated and time-consuming as I made it…but for whatever reason, it was. And I couldn’t really get over the fact that the whole time I kept tasting it…it reminded me of Cream of Wheat (you know, the hot breakfast cereal?). I guess it was the ground almonds in there with the cream and milk – it just tasted…breakfasty. Still, once I added the raspberries, let it set in the fridge, and topped it with a really delicious raspberry coulis (I threw in a splash or two of Chambord liquer…yum!), it tasted pretty good.

I loved the light, airy texture of it – that part was fantastic. It felt really fancy – this would probably really impress company. I probably won’t make this again – just not my cup of tea, I guess. However, as always, I’m still really glad I tried it…plus, I like saying the name. Blah-mah-jay! Fun. As always, if you’d like the recipe, head on over to Susan’s blog. She’ll have it posted.

I don’t know what it is that makes shooting decent pictures of brownies darned near impossible for me. You’d think I’d gradually get better at it, but no, these are just as bad, if not worse, as some of my other brownie shots from the past. Alas, I am too lazy to try again, so these ugly-looking brownie pictures are getting posted, like it or not!

I realize it’s been two weeks since I posted a TWD recipe…I know…I’m bad. BUT – here I am again, back on the TWD wagon! This week’s recipe is Tribute to Katherine Hepburn Brownies (love her!), chosen by Lisa of Surviving Oz, who was the winner of a little logo contest we held over at TWD. Yay Lisa! I’ve been waiting on someone to pick these brownies for a couple of reasons, A.) I love me some brownies! and B.) I LOVE Katherine Hepburn! My favorite of her movies is The Philadelphia Story with Cary Grant and Jimmy Stewart – have you watched this? If you haven’t, you SHOULD!! It’s one of the great classics, in my opinion! Some others of hers that I just love are Bringing Up Baby, Adam’s Rib, and Woman of the Year. This woman didn’t make a bad movie! I was happy to make her special brownies and as I ate them, I imagined good old Kate baking these in her kitchen…”these brownies are just delicious, rally they are…rally..”.

I know the pictures are the epitome of suck, but really, they were some of the best brownies I’ve ever eaten! If you like fudgy brownies, these are for you, my friend!! Visit Lisa’s blog and get the recipe – make Katherine’s brownies and watch her movies…a great night, in my opinion!! Enjoy!!

Yep. Today’s my birthday. The big two-five. I can now rent a car. My insurance goes down a little. I can justify eating ice cream cake. Those are a couple of good things I guess. The bad things – I’m five years from thirty. Halfway to fifty….dear Lord. It seemed like just yesterday I was just graduated from college, turning twenty-two, getting married….jeez. You blink and three years go by. My birthday’s been great so far – had my family over for a little party (complete with my own ice cream cake!) this past weekend, went out to dinner last night with hubby’s parents to my favorite restaurant, and tonight hubby and I are trying a new oyster bar – and of course, I’ve gotten some great gifts! Anyway, this post isn’t really about my birthday – it’s about Dorie’s Honey Peach Ice Cream. The greatest frozen treat ever concocted. I mean, yeah, my birthday is pretty important, but not quite as important as honey peach ice cream; this is serious ice cream, ya’ll……

I’ve made this once before, last summer, and totally fell in love. It’s peachy, incredibly creamy, and the honey gives it a smoothness and flavor that totally set it apart from all other ice creams. I’m completey sold on this ice cream. It’s my all-time favorite. Dorie talks about her love of ice cream in her book, Baking From My Home to Yours (the book we bake from) – and you can make any of her recipes and tell right off that this woman knows her ice cream. The Blueberry Sour Cream is to die for, and of course the Honey Peach is amazing…I can’t wait to give the others a try!

To make this, basically you just boil your milk mixture and your honey/peach mixture, then blend it all together in a blender and throw it in your ice cream maker. Coudn’t be easier – or more delicious. Dorie reserves a few chunks of peaches to toss in the ice cream mixer at the last minute, but I personally wasn’t a fan of the frozen peach bits last time, so I just pureed all the peaches and enjoyed it much more this time. My parents were visiting, so they got to sample it and really loved it. This is one of those recipes I’ll make every single summer from now on.

Do yourself a (big) favor right now and check out Tommi’s blog – Brown Interior, and get the recipe for this amazing ice cream! And THANK YOU, Tommi, for picking one of my absolute favorite Dorie recipes for my birthday!! This ice cream was the cherry on top of a great birthday!
And P.S. – a BIG thank you to my good buddy Andrea, for showing my how to (finally) use my camera….it’s amazing how all those little buttons actually DO something! 🙂

Yippee! This week’s recipe was chosen by my good buddy, Jessica, of My Baking Heart! Great pick, Jess!! These were sooooooooo easy! They literally took me 5 minutes to put together! Now that’s a recipe I can get behind!! All you need is some frozen puff pastry, an apple, brown sugar and butter…that’s it! And you get a gorgeous, flaky, buttery tartlet….it’s like a little apple birds nest! So cute!

I am SO looking forward to making these again with other kinds of fruits – peaches, nectarines, plums, apricots….oh man, I’m getting all excited just thinking about it! My mother and nephew are coming for a few days this week and I’m thinking these are going to be the perfect little treat to welcome them!

I made two tarlets and sneaked a few bites as I was photographing them….a “few bites” quickly turned into me standing in the kitchen scarfing the remaining tartlet with my hands, with juice running all down my wrists. Talk about food guilt. I think Izzy and I will go on a nice, long walk tonight.

Go visit my good buddy Jessica’s blog and get the recipe from her- these would be perfect for company – they look like they were so much trouble, but really they’re embarassingly easy! Perfect!

I know – no clever title this week – it’s late and my brain just isn’t feeling clever tonight. Oh well – that won’t stop me from sharing these yummy cinnamon squares with you all! Here we go!

This week’s recipe is Dorie’s Cinnamon Squares, chosen by Tracey at Tracey’s Culinary Adventures. I have to admit (with no disrespect to Tracey!), I was NOT looking forward to baking these this week. It’s hot here and we’ve been eating lots of fresh fruits and summery desserts – cinnamon and chocolate isn’t something I really want to eat in the hot summertime (I’m weird like that). But, since I missed last week (oops), I knew I had no choice but to make them. And good thing I did! I ended up really loving these – I mean really, really. The frosting was by far the best part – a little chocolate, a little butter – YUM. I also love the thin layer of cinnamon, sugar, chocolate and espresso powder hidden in there! I cut the recipe in half and baked it in a loaf pan (it seems like I’m doing that a lot these days- the trusty old loaf pan has been getting a lot of action lately!) and still got eight squares. Just enough for the hubby and me to enjoy!

I’m really glad I didn’t flake out and skip this week – these were a very nice surprise. I know I’ll be making them again and again. Thanks, Tracey, for picking a winner! Head on over to Tracey’s blog if you’d like the recipe – which, you should, because it’s as simple as can be and totally yummy!

Yes, I know my use of an exclamation mark in the title is probably a little over-the-top for muffins, but it seems like lately, I’m in a constant state of excitement, so I figure I get a free pass. Why am I so extra perky, you might ask? Well, for a couple of reasons – #1.) As I type this, there are two men installing a beautiful set of French doors in my dining room where there used to be a big, ugly, non-functioning behemoth of a sliding door before. That excites me. Big time. And #2.) it has finally stopped raining long enough for me to arrange my patio furniture and get the pool swim-ready. I now have a beautiful, tropical (ish) backyard getaway, perfect for al fresco dining with my hubby, followed by a long, leisurely dip in the pool – summer is here!! And finally, #3.) This week is the last week I have to teach voice lessons – after Thursday, I’m done, baby! Woo hoo!! So, now it’s probably a little easier for you to understand my over-excitedness for all things lately – including mango muffins.

This week’s recipe is Fresh Mango Bread, chosen by Kelly of Baking With the Boys. This is the second time I’ve made Dorie’s mango bread, so I decided to make muffins this time around. Plus, muffins are easier to just grab and eat at a brunch (I served them at Mother’s Day Brunch). I was surprised at the amount of muffins I got out of one recipe – at least 20 – there may have been more, I can’t remember. Everybody really enjoyed these – in fact, everyone took a few home for later, which I always count as a compliment! Besides cutting the mangos being a giant pain in the butt, I always enjoy making this recipe because everyone seems to really enjoy it. A great summer recipe!

If you’d like the recipe for these little beauties, head on over to Kelly’s blog – she’ll post the recipe for you! Happy summer!

First, let me start by saying how glad I am to be back to normal and back to blogging again! After a week and a half of being sick, I’m glad to report that I’m healthy again and back to my old self! Of course, now my hubby is sick, wouldn’t you know….but don’t worry, I’m taking good care of him. 🙂
Ok, so, this week’s TWD recipe is Dorie’s Tartest Lemon Tart, chosen by Babette of Babette Feasts. It sure was nice to get back into my kitchen again and bake lots of goodies – I was very busy this weekend, in fact. Besides making this tart, I also got ready for my Mother’s Day brunch by baking next week’s mango bread and defeating my fear of yeast with the Pioneer Woman’s cinnamon rolls (all coming soon!). I was actually really excited about this tart because my mother loves lemony desserts but never gets them because my daddy doesn’t like lemon – perfect!- the tart would be part of my mom’s Mother’s Day gift!

The thing that makes this tart extra special (and extra lemony) is the fact that the recipe uses the entire lemon – zest, pulp, juice, everything. You cut the lemon in pieces and throw the whole thing into the blender with some sugar, egg yolks (pictured above- I had frozen them in a heart shaped ice tray) and a few other things, blend it all together and pour it into Dorie’s amazingly delicious tart crust. A few TWD members had issues with it being too bitter due to the pith of the lemon, however, I heard from my mother and she said she really enjoyed it. She said it was definitely tart, but she loved it. Yay!

If you would like the recipe, visit Babette’s blog and she’ll fix you up! My mom said this is the perfect summer dessert, so everybody get busy and make yourself a lovely, summery lemon tart!