It’s pretty hard trying to be healthy when you’re a recovering sweets-aholic. I’ve been almost 100% good over the past few months, but to be perfectly honest, most days I find myself daydreaming about giant slices of dark, dreamy, moist, chocolate cake with chocolate frosting (seriously- have a look at my pinterest boards…). So what’s a girl to do when those (really, really) bad cravings hit?? Recipes like this one save my life!
I love Greek yogurt anyway, but add in smooth peanut butter, vanilla, and mini chocolate chips, and mama’s HAPPY, y’all! I really love this little trick- it satisfies even my worst cravings and helps keep me on track. Plus, the added protein in my diet helps me burn fat and stay satisfied longer! Double win!

Cookie Dough Greek Yogurt
1 small container (6 oz.) plain, low-fat Greek yogurt
1 tablespoon peanut butter
1/4 teaspoon vanilla extract
1 tablespoon mini chocolate chips
1 tablespoon agave nectar, honey, or other sweetener of choice
Mix peanut butter, vanilla, sweetener, and chocolate chips directly into yogurt cup. Eat immediately. Serves 1.
Recipe source: my fridge food
Happy New Year, friends!! I hope the holidays were as magical for all of you as they were for me. Our first Christmas with Cassidy was truly wonderful. In fact, I’d love for you to read all about it and see the pictures I took. I’ve written a Christmas Recap post over on my family blog and I hope you’ll check it out!

You’ll notice I didn’t do a ‘Best of 2012’ post this year, because, well, I kind of find those obnoxious anyway, and…all the best of 2012 involved a little diaper-wearing red head; not food. 😉
Now, onto the goods. I made these truffles with every intention of sharing them with you before the holidays were over, but better late than never, right? The fact is, these babies can be enjoyed any time of year! Any occasion! A Tuesday, perhaps! In fact, I may put them on the menu for Cassidy’s first birthday party. Because let me tell you- they’re goooooood. Better than good, really. Smooth, silky goat cheese mixed with a bit of honey and rolled in toasted pecans and crispy bacon. Yuuuuuummmm. Smear these bad boys on a toasted baguette and you’re well on your way to heaven, folks.

Goat Cheese, Bacon, and Pecan Truffles
8 ounces goat cheese, softened to room temperate
1 teaspoon honey
1 teaspoon half and half or milk
1/4 teaspoon salt
1 cup pecans, chopped
6 slices bacon, cooked until crispy and roughly chopped
2 teaspoons dried parsley
In a small pan, toast the pecans over medium-high heat until fragrant, about 5 minutes. Watch them carefully! Let cool completely. Combine the pecans, bacon, and parsley in a pie plate or large platter.
Line a baking sheet or large plate with parchment paper.
Combine the goat cheese, honey, half and half, and salt in a large bowl. Scoop out 1-2 inch balls and carefully roll in the pecan/bacon mixture. Set on the parchment paper-lined baking sheet or platter. Refrigerate for at least 30 minutes. Remove from the refrigerator 30 minutes before serving to take the chill off. Serve with toasted baguette slices or crackers. Makes about 35-40 truffles.
Recipe source: Sing For Your Supper original

One bright, sunny, fall day, Cookies and Cream Popcorn met Halloween Popcorn.
Cookies and Cream Popcorn loved Halloween Popcorn‘s bright, colorful sprinkles and Halloween Popcorn couldn’t resist Cookies and Cream Popcorn‘s bits of crunchy, creamy Oreos. They instantly fell in love and that’s how Halloween Oreo Popcorn came to be. And they lived happily ever after….in my tummy. 😉
Since Halloween is only 5 days away (wahoo!!!), I knew I just had to post something to get us all in the spirit (right, like I need any help…). This Halloween Oreo Popcorn is the perfect treat for snacking on the couch while watching The Nightmare Before Christmas with your little pumpkins! 🙂

Halloween Oreo Popcorn
2 bags microwave popcorn, popped (this time, I used buttered popcorn and it turned out great!)
10-15 Oreos, chopped
1 bag candy corn
1 16-ounce package white chocolate bark or candy coating**
Halloween sprinkles
wax paper
Place the popped popcorn, Oreos, and candy corn in a very large bowl (you need plenty of room to stir the popcorn). Melt the white chocolate bark in the microwave in 30 second increments, stirring after each time, until melted. Drizzle over the popcorn mixture and stir to coat each piece of popcorn.
Pour the mixture over wax paper and spread into an even layer. Sprinkle with Halloween sprinkles and allow to cool for at least 15-30 minutes. Break into pieces. Serves 6-8.
Recipe source: Sing For Your Supper
**Almond bark or candy coating can be found on the baking aisle next to the chocolate chips. You can substitute white chocolate chips if preferred.


Well, it looks like we all survived the Christmas hustle and bustle! I hope you all had as wonderful a Christmas as we did! Although there was lots of driving involved, we had so much fun with our families and ate SO much good food! Joel and I certainly enjoyed our last Christmas as a twosome, but we couldn’t help but dream of next year’s Christmas and how special it will be with Cassidy! 🙂
And now that Christmas is over, it’s time to start thinking about yummy New Year’s Eve snacks! Joel and I always have lots of different snack foods on New Year’s Eve instead of a big meal. We enjoy just staying home and enjoying a nice, quiet evening just the two of us (all that is sure about to change, huh?!). I’m thinking this year we’ll definitely be snacking on this appetizer for sure! I tried it just over a week ago when we had my parents and grandparents over for a nice meal (like we do every year before Christmas). I wanted a quick, easy, delicious appetizer that would require as little work as possible so I’d have more time for the rest of the cooking. I’ve had this recipe saved on Pinterest for weeks and weeks now and it turned out to be exactly what I was looking for. SO good! We all crowded around it and couldn’t stop eating it! The combination of the toasted pistachios and sweet cranberries was just ideal. I’ll be using this recipe again and again! If you’re headed to a party this New Year’s Eve or even just staying in like we do, this appetizer is just perfect! I hope you enjoy it as much as we did!
Goat Cheese Log with Pistachios and Cranberries
1 8-ounce log goat cheese
1/2 cup pistachios, shelled
1/2 cup dried cranberries, roughly chopped
sliced baguette or crackers for serving
In a small pan over medium-high heat, toast the pistachios until fragrant; about 3-5 minutes, stirring occasionally. Let cool.
Combine the pistachios and cranberries in a plate and roll the goat cheese log in the mixture until completely coated. Place on a serving dish and sprinkle the remaining pistachio/cranberry mixture around the log. Allow to sit out at room temperature for at least 15 minutes before serving so the cheese will soften nicely and become more spreadable. Serves approximately 6-8.
Recipe source: Real Simple

During the Halloween season, there’s nothing better than being snuggled up on the couch, watching Halloween movies and eating fun snacks (well, unless you’re a kid, in which case trick-or-treating is pretty hard to beat!). We make it a tradition every year to watch our favorite Halloween movies- Disney’s Icabod Crane (the cute animated version with Bing Crosby narrating), Hocus Pocus, Young Frankenstein, It’s the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown and of course, my all-time favorite- The Nightmare Before Christmas (ok, so I watch that one pretty much year ’round…). And watching those great movies just wouldn’t be the same without some kind of yummy snack; like this popcorn. It’s just a simple mixture of popcorn and candy corn coated in white chocolate bark and Halloween sprinkles. Nothing hard or complicated, just fun and downright yummy! Perfect for parties, trick-or-treaters or movie-watching! Whatever you make to snack on this Halloween, I hope you have a wonderful, FUN, safe time with your friends and family! Happy Halloween!!!

Halloween Popcorn
2 bags microwave popcorn, popped
1 bag candy corn
1 16-ounce package white chocolate bark*
Halloween sprinkles
wax paper
Place the popped popcorn and candy corn in a very large bowl (you need plenty of room to stir the popcorn). Melt the white chocolate bark in the microwave in 30 second increments, stirring after each time, until melted. Drizzle over the popcorn and candy corn and stir to coat each piece of popcorn. Pour the mixture over wax paper and spread into an even layer. Sprinkle with Halloween sprinkles and allow to cool for at least 15-30 minutes. Break into pieces. Serves 6-8.
*I know I’ll get questions about this: white chocolate bark (or white chocolate candy coating) can be found in your regular grocery store on the baking aisle with the chocolate chips and nuts.
Recipe source: Sing For Your Supper original (however, this isn’t exactly a new concept- I’m sure it’s been done many times before me)

I’m sure by now, you’ve all heard about the awesomeness of Pinterest. If you haven’t, get over there right now and discover for yourself how addicting and fun it is! I’ve discovered more fantastic ideas for recipes, decorating, baby stuff, and so much more from there! Among them, this nutella yogurt fruit dip. 2 ingredients. How awesome is that?! I try to eat as much fruit as possible and after discovering this dip, it’s a breeze! If you’re looking for a healthier way to get your kids eating more fruit, definitely try this- it comes together in 5 seconds and it’s really delicious! Your family will love it!
Nutella Yogurt Fruit Dip
1 cup plain, nonfat Greek yogurt
1/2 cup nutella
Mix the two ingredients in a bowl and chill until ready to serve. Serve with any fruit you like- my favorites are apples and oranges. Serves 4-6.
Recipe source: The Family Kitchen

Warning: this snack is highly addictive and could cause awesomeness overload- a rare, but critical side effect to snack awesomeness. Munch with caution.
Remember when I made Bridget’s Bunny Bait? Well, I happened to have leftover popcorn and white chocolate candy coating, then I looked over and saw a half-eaten package of Springtime Oreos (you know, the kind with the pretty yellow cream?)….a legend was born and a monster was created – I couldn’t stop eating the stuff! This couldn’t be easier to make and couldn’t be more delicious. If you love Oreos as much as Joel and I do, this is right up your alley! Make it! Make it today!
Cookies and Cream Popcorn
1 bag popcorn, popped (I used the Fluffy White variety)
6 ounces white chocolate candy coating
10-15 Oreos, crushed or roughly chopped (I used the Springtime Oreos with yellow cream, which is why my popcorn has a bumble bee-type look) 🙂
Place the popped popcorn and Oreos in a large bowl. Heat the white chocolate candy coating in the microwave in 30 second intervals, stirring in between until melted and smooth.
Drizzle the white chocolate bark over the popcorn/Oreo mixture and stir to coat. Dump out on a large sheet of wax paper and spread into a single layer. Let cool and harden. Break into small pieces and serve.
Recipe source: Sing For Your Supper original

**I still get questions about this, so I’ll clarify: white chocolate candy coating (or almond bark) can be found on the baking aisle next to the chocolate chips and nuts. It comes in 12 ounce packages, usually in 1 large block (it sort of resembles a large ice tray). You can use regular chocolate chips, but you’ll have to refrigerate it to harden it before serving.

HAPPY EASTER!!! Those of you who celebrate are probably spending today getting those eggs ready to dye, making pies (or as my mom usually does- making a ginormous banana pudding), getting cute little Easter dresses ready for church tomorrow morning, and maybe even sitting down with your kids, explaining what this holiday really means and why we celebrate. Easter is such a wonderful holiday and Joel and I really love it! Every year we dye eggs (yes, apparently we’re still 10 years old…) and watch The Ten Commandments with Charlton Heston. Tomorrow we’re heading to my parents’ house, so I’m spending today making fresh strawberry pies and….BUNNY BAIT! What’s bunny bait, you ask? It’s basically just popcorn tossed with vanilla candy coating, Easter M&Ms and pretzels, but I’d like to think the Easter Bunny is out there just counting the minutes until he can hop over to our house and snatch a paw full! 🙂

Parents, this is something the kids would absolutely love! It’s super easy and quick to make (not to mention totally and completely addictive!!!), and the kids could help by breaking the pretzels into pieces and stirring the M&Ms in. I think someday when we have kids of our own, we’ll definitely make this a tradition in our house.
I hope whatever your plans are, that you all have a wonderful and happy Easter with your friends and family!
Bunny Bait
1 bag popcorn, popped (I used Tender White)
6 oz. white chocolate candy coating
1 bag Easter M&Ms
pretzel sticks, broken into small pieces
colorful sprinkles, if desired
Place the popped popcorn in a large bowl with the broken up pretzels and M&Ms. Heat the candy coating in the microwave in 30 second intervals, stirring after each time, until melted and smooth.
Drizzle the candy coating over the popcorn mixture and stir to coat. The pretzels and M&Ms will sink to the bottom, so make sure to get those stirred in and coated with the rest of the popcorn.
Spread out on a large piece of wax paper, top with a few sprinkles (if desired) and let cool. Break into pieces and serve in a large bowl.
Recipe source: slightly adapted from Bake at 350, originally from This Blessed Nest

Joel and I sort of have an unhealthy addiction to Oreos. We love them. We even had an Oreo bar with a milk fountain at our wedding. 🙂 Yep, addicted. Which is why I use Oreos in baking/candy making every chance I get. Especially the holiday Oreos- the orange filled ones at Halloween, the pastel ones at Easter/Spring and the red ones at Christmas- which I what I used for this Oreo peppermint bark (at Joel’s suggestion). We had a big party with all of our friends last weekend and I made a big tray of this stuff- it was a huge hit! People can’t resist peppermint bark around the holidays anyway…add crushed up Oreos to the mix and they REALLY can’t resist it! I’ll definitely be making this year after year!

I was giddy at finding this giant block of Ghiradelli candy making chocolate at Sam’s! I see lots more candy making in my future!

Oreo Peppermint Bark
-Sing For Your Supper original
1 pound dark chocolate bark
1 pound white chocolate almond bark
1/2 teaspoon peppermint extract
10 Oreos, roughly chopped (I used the festive holiday ones!)
1/2 cup crushed peppermints
Melt the dark chocolate bark in the microwave in 30 second intervals, stirring in between. Pour out onto a large sheet of wax paper and smooth it out into one even (thin) layer with a spatula (an offset spatula works perfectly for this). Let sit at room temperature for 15-20 minutes, until hardened. Next, melt the white chocolate bark.
When the chocolate is hardened, stir the peppermint extract into the melted white chocolate bark. Pour over the dark chocolate layer and spread out evenly to the edges with a spatula.
Sprinkle the Oreos and crushed peppermints in an even layer over the top. Let sit until completely dried and hardened, about 20 or 30 minutes.
Break into pieces and serve. Enjoy!
**As always, feel free to use regular dark and white chocolate instead of bark (candy coating). I just prefer to use it because it dries so quickly and doesn’t need to be refrigerated.

Aaaand welcome to “more random recipes nobody needs”. Here we have another doozy- Gooey Chocolate Marshmallow Puffs- they’re a little tacky, shamefully easy and by no means low in fat or sugar. But hey, a girl’s got to do something to pass the time. And these are pretty darn tasty, if I do say so myself! I got the idea from a Gooseberry Patch cookbook while browsing in a Half Price Books store with my sis. Basically, just a crescent roll with a marshmallow baked inside it. I took it from there and somehow ended up with these little guys. I’m a little embarrassed to say we pretty much scarfed these (all) down in record time. Hubby was especially impressed.
So if you’re looking for something sweet and tasty that’s just about as easy as they come- look no further! These are a great little snack!

Gooey Chocolate Marshmallow Puffs
1 package Pillsbury Crescent roll dough
1/2 cup prepared chocolate ganache (equal parts chocolate and heavy cream melted together), or chocolate chips if you don’t have any ganache on hand
handful mini marshmallows
cinnamon and sugar for sprinkling
Preheat the oven to 350 degrees. Unroll the crescent dough and spoon a little ganache (or a few chocolate chips) in the center of each triangle. Top with 4 or 5 mini marshmallows and fold the dough up like a little purse, making sure to seal all the edges. Sprinkle with sugar and cinnamon and place on a baking sheet lined with parchment paper. Repeat with the remainder of the rolls, then bake for 12-15 minutes or until the puffs are golden brown. Let cool for 5 minutes before serving.