Sing For Your Supper has a new home….and a completely new look!! My sweet hubby has spent the last month working on getting me moved from my last blog to this one – I’m so excited!!! Hopefully WordPress will be a little easier for me to work with than my last one. Special thanks to my good buddy Andrea for coming up with this cute design – I love it!!! We’re still working out a few kinks, so please let me know if there are any problems seeing my page or subscribing to my RSS feed. Look around and enjoy the new me! 😉
P.S. Please bear with me as we get those kinks worked out. Right now we’re getting an error when you post a comment. Your comment will show up, but you will see an error message. Just ignore it for the time being.
Unfortunately, there will be no TWD for me this week….washing my hands 20 times a day, never leaving my house, and staying away from large crowds is apparently exactly what it takes to catch this wonderful “Swine Flu” we’ve all been hearing about non-stop. Four days, five different kinds of medicines, one missed performance of Carmen, about a million cups of hot tea, 20,000 tissues and my entire collection of “chick flicks” later and I’m still nowhere close to being well. I was really hoping to be able to get in the kitchen and make Dorie’s Tiramisu Cake for this week’s TWD recipe, but apparently Mother Nature has other ideas. So instead of participating with the other happy bakers, posting gorgeous, mouth-watering pictures and talking about the deliciousness of cake – I’m sitting here in bed watching movie after movie with 20 pounds of gunk in my chest, forced to breathe through my mouth, and my head feeling like it’s about to explode. Good times. Here’s hoping I’ll at least be well in time for the final performance of Carmen on Friday and Mother’s Day…..cross your fingers!

(Ok, I know this post has nothing whatsoever to do with food or cooking, but I just couldn’t resist!) This is our new girl, Izzy! We adopted her from a local rescue society just last week. This has probably been one of the most stressful times for hubby and me – at times we felt like we were trying to adopt a child it was so involved! After submitting our application, we waited two weeks for a reply, after we talked to a nice lady on the phone, we were told we needed to provide 3 personal references (thanks Mommy, Courtney and Alyshia!!). After they contacted our references and decided we sounded somewhat decent, they arranged for us to meet Izzy; after we met her (and fell in love!), they came over to do a “home visit” to make sure our home was adequate and well-suited for a dog. A few days after that, we were able to finally adopt Izzy – it was a grueling process, but ultimately totally worth it!

And really, I think its great that these people are so thorough with their adoption process – it ensures that the dog goes to a loving home and will be taken care of for the rest of its life.

Unfortunately, Izzy hasn’t had it easy. She was a stray, and when she was found by the rescue society, they noticed that someone had put a rubber band around her nose and mouth. It had been there so long the rubber band had grown into her skin and nasal cavity, and was badly infected. They had to put her under and surgically remove it. It boggles my mind that there are people out in this world who would do that to a poor little puppy….

BUT – Izzy recovered beautifully, and she’s a very happy, energetic little girl! We love her so much already! She has so much personality – she loves her squeak toys and likes to hide from me under the couch! We are so happy to have her with us and are so glad we chose to adopt – people don’t realize how many sweet, lovable pets are out there just waiting to be taken home. Do yourself a favor and adopt a pet! It will brighten your life tremendously!!
Hope you enjoyed the pictures of our new little girl! Stay tuned – tomorrow I’ll be posting Dorie’s Caramel Crunch Bars…..SO good. Seriously. Prepare yourself.
Well, our vacation to Mexico was completely wonderful! We really enjoyed the food, scenery, weather and of course, the relaxation and couldn’t have asked for a better trip! BUT, it really is great to be home and blogging again! Here are just a few pictures from our trip to Playa del Carmen…enjoy!

I’ve got a few posts stored away that I’ll be posting in the next couple of days, so I’ll see you soon!
Back in August hubby and I had vacation plans to go to Mexico for a week for our anniversary, but thanks to dadgum Hurricane Gustav, we had to reschedule. So guess what….ITS TIME TO GO TO MEXICO!!! Finally!!! I’ll be back in a week – see ya then!!!

…….wasting away again in Margaritaville…la, la, laaaaaa!!
I know my blog has been pretty neglected lately – there have hardly been any recipes in between the TWD posts each week and I know that’s no good. But before you write me off completely for being lazy, neglectful and just plain no good, at least let me explain myself!

We bought our very first house back in July but haven’t been able to actually get into it until now (it has to do with our apartment lease). So before we make the big move this coming Saturday (pray for no rain!!!), we’ve been fixing it up a little. Our parents have been coming over pretty often to help us paint, clean, etc. and its been TIRING! I’m sleepy, sore, grouchy, irritable, and the list goes on. However, I know all this hard work will have been worth it when we move all of our furniture in and an empty house instantly becomes Our Home. I can’t wait for that!! Woo Hoo!!
So now you know why I’ve been (and will most likely continue to be for a while) a little distracted from my beloved food blog! Once things calm down a little, everything will be back to normal here at Sing For Your Supper! No worries! But until that time comes….wish me luck! I’m gonna need it!!
Well, I spoke too soon….thanks to Hurricane Gustav, it looks like we won’t be going to Mexico after all….@#!$%^&*$!!!